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How to cook egusi soup like a pro ! I guarantee You’ll get perfect result every time. Nigerian food


How to cook egusi soup like a pro ! I guarantee You’ll get perfect result every time. Nigerian food

Egusi soup is a popular Nigerian dish that can be enjoyed with different types of swallow such as eba, fufu, amala and pounded yam. If you’re looking to cook this delicious soup like a pro, there are some things you need to keep in mind.

Firstly, choose fresh egusi seeds and grind them properly before cooking. This will ensure that the soup has a smooth texture without any lumps. Secondly, fry your onions until they are well caramelized before adding other ingredients for more flavor. Also, using smoked fish or meat instead of fresh ones can give the soup an interesting smoky taste.

Another important tip is to add your vegetables (such as spinach or bitter leaf) at the end of cooking so they don’t lose their nutrients and color. Lastly, serve hot with your preferred swallow and enjoy!

By following these tips and experimenting with different ingredients, you’ll be able to create tasty variations of egusi soup that will have everyone coming back for more!

For this egusi soup recipe I used …

Goat meat ( 2kg )

4 beef seasoning

2 teaspoons of salt

1 teaspoon cayenne ( fry ) pepper

2 and half cups of palm oil

3 red onions

6 cups ground egusi

2 red bell pepper

1 and half cups of crayfish

2 Okpei

1 stock fish head or ear

2 fry catfish

2 handful uziza leaf or any vegetable of your choice

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