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The UK’s Economic Nightmares Explained


The UK’s Economic Nightmares Explained

The UK is currently dealing with an economic crisis. Food inflation is as high as its been in 45 years, up 19% on average. The price of eggs is up 40%, olive oil as high as 49%, and things don’t seem to be getting better anytime soon.

Rising energy prices are affecting all aspects of the supply chain. Due to their overdependence on natural gas, the UK is facing skyrocketing fuel prices due to Brexit, the market correction from Covid, and the War in the Ukraine. 25% of British citizens can’t afford their monthly bills, with energy utilities costing so much that the government had to step in and help.

A series of bad decisions, poor leadership, and overall bad luck has led the UK to the brink of economic turmoil. What’s next for the UK’s economy? Watch our video to find out more.

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Written by: Cory Robinson

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00:00 Intro
00:17 State of the Union Jack
02:30 The Butterfly Effect
04:55 Leadership in Limbo
09:57 The Future of Britain
10:37 Outro
10:55 End

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