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Reinstating Aminu Ado Bayero as Emir of Kano: A Call for Justice Integrity and Democracy BY MUHAMMAD AKIBU DALHATU

Reinstating Aminu Ado Bayero as Emir of Kano: A Call for Justice Integrity and Democracy BY MUHAMMAD AKIBU DALHATU


Reinstating Aminu Ado Bayero as Emir of Kano: A Call for Justice Integrity and Democracy BY MUHAMMAD AKIBU DALHATU

The reinstatement of Aminu Ado Bayero as Emir of Kano is a critical issue, embodying principles of justice, integrity, and democracy. Akibu Dalhatu’s article delves into the legal, ethical, and societal complexities surrounding Muhammadu Sanusi II’s reenthronement. Here’s a condensed version of the key points:

1. Legal and Ethical Irregularities in Sanusi’s Reenthronement: Governor Abba Kabir Yusuf’s residency in the Emir’s palace post-Sanusi’s return suggests concerns about potential legal repercussions. The hasty amendment of the Emirate Law without public consultation by the Kano State Assembly undermines democratic norms.

2. The Need for a Leader with Integrity: Aminu Ado Bayero epitomizes the integrity and dignity essential for the Kano throne, contrasting with Sanusi’s controversial tenure. Bayero’s humility, dedication, and empathy position him as a more suitable candidate.

3. Reflecting the Will of the People:
Widespread protests against Sanusi’s return underscore the populace’s preference for Bayero, emphasizing the democratic principle of respecting the people’s choice.

4. Upholding the Rule of Law: Governor Abba Kabir Yusuf’s disregard for a court order and the directive to arrest Emir Aminu Ado Bayero violate the rule of law, eroding public trust in governance.

5. Ensuring Peace and Stability: The forced removal of Bayero and subsequent unrest disrupt Kano’s peace and stability. Reinstating Bayero is crucial for restoring harmony and fostering long-term peace and unity.

6. Upholding Cultural and Traditional Values: Bayero, from the esteemed Bayero dynasty, symbolizes the continuation of Kano’s cultural heritage and traditional values, contrasting with Sanusi’s tenure.

Reinstating Aminu Ado Bayero transcends politics; it’s a call for justice, integrity, and democratic ideals. Governor Abba Kabir Yusuf and the Kano State Assembly must heed the people’s will, adhere to democratic principles, and respect court orders. Restoring Bayero is essential for justice, peace, stability, and the preservation of Kano’s cultural heritage.

MUHAMMAD AKIBU DALHATU is the National Chairman, New Mandate National Movement.

The post Reinstating Aminu Ado Bayero as Emir of Kano: A Call for Justice Integrity and Democracy BY MUHAMMAD AKIBU DALHATU first appeared on Newsdirect.

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