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President Tinubu Demands Guinness World Record, Reveals What He Did

President Tinubu Demands Guinness World Record, Reveals What He Did


President Tinubu Demands Guinness World Record, Reveals What He Did

President Tinubu Demands Guinness World Record, Reveals What He Did

President Bola Tinubu expressed his belief that his name deserves a place in the Guinness Book of Records.

The President attributed this recognition to his economic reforms during his tenure as the governor of Lagos State, which he believes played a significant role in his subsequent election as president. He shared these sentiments during the 10th German-Nigerian Business Forum.

Tinubu highlighted his track record in governance, emphasizing his contributions from the private sector to his role as the treasurer in Exxon Mobil, and his eight consecutive years of governance in Lagos. He proudly noted Lagos’s transformation into the fifth-largest economy in Africa during his tenure.

He stated, “Nigeria voted for me for reforms, and from day one of my inauguration, I started the reform. To me, if you didn’t mention me in the Guinness Book of Records, I’d thrive to find a way to insert myself because I did it without expectation.”

These comments were made in a lighthearted manner, underscoring Tinubu’s confidence in his achievements and the impact of his governance on both Lagos and Nigeria.

The context of Tinubu’s remarks was the 10th German-Nigerian Business Forum, where two significant agreements between Nigerian and German companies were sealed. The first agreement, between Riverside LNG of Nigeria and Johannes Schuetze Energy Import AG of Germany, involves the supply of gas from Nigeria to Germany. The second agreement, between Union Bank of Nigeria and DWS Group, entails a $500 million investment in renewable energy projects in Nigeria.

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