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Outstanding salaries, allowances will be paid June end, IGP Egbetokun assures officers


Outstanding salaries, allowances will be paid June end, IGP Egbetokun assures officers

The new Inspector General of Police, IGP Kayode Egbetokun, officially assumed office on Wednesday in Abuja at a short handover ceremony between him and the immediate past IGP, Usman Baba Alkali.

Egbetokun pledged that the welfare of serving and retired Police personnel would always be his priority.

In his address, Egbetokun stated that all outstanding salaries and allowances of serving and retired Police personnel would be paid by the end of June 2023.

He also assured the effective security of lives and properties of Nigerian citizens under his watch. However, he emphasized the need for the cooperation of the general public in fulfilling his responsibilities as the Inspector General of Police.

Meanwhile, the outgoing IGP, Usman Alkali Baba, appealed for forgiveness from those he might have offended during his tenure in the course of his assignments.

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