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Notorious Bandits’ leader, Dogo Jede, Weds 16-Year-Old Christian Girl


Notorious Bandits’ leader, Dogo Jede, Weds 16-Year-Old Christian Girl

Leader of the notorious bandits’ gang, Alhaji Dogo Jede, has married a 16-year-old Christian Gbagy girl in Aglunma village, in Kwusasu District of Shiroro Local Government Area of Niger State.

The marriage between Jede and his 16-year-old spouse took place during the week, under heavy security in the village as the bandits were said to have taken over every strategic location within the village.

A source close to the community, who spoke under the condition of anonymity, said the bandits’ leader had instructed the people of the area not to flee their homes, as their safety is guaranteed, adding that they were not after the villagers. He was said to have slaughtered a cow and shared the meat to the people to celebrate his wedding, on Tuesday.

It was further gathered that Alhaji Dogo Jede has remained in firm control of some communities within Shiroro local government, and he is very popular among the people.

These communities include Kwusasu, Chukuba, Nasa, Wurukuchi and parts of Iburo, where he operates with his gang with impunity. He attends Kwusasu market and prays every Friday at the central mosque under heavy security provided by his gang.

Although the source revealed that the villagers know everything about the bandit leader and his gang, including their hideout in the bush, they are, however, afraid to disclose such for fear of being wiped out with their family by the bandits.

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