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NIGER COUP: Putin Sends Message To ECOWAS Through Military Junta


NIGER COUP: Putin Sends Message To ECOWAS Through Military Junta

The Russian Government has again taken a position regarding the political situation in Niger Republic wherein a military junta overthrew the government of President Mohamed Bazoum.

The Russian government’s position has always been that dialogue should be favoured by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and the junta that ousted Bazoum early last month.

But ECOWAS had imposed economic sanctions against the country while putting its regional army on standby for possible military action.

The position of ECOWAS currently chaired by President Bola Tinubu is heavily supported by the United States government whose Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, recently commended the Nigerian government over its leadership of ECOWAS.

But Russian president Vladimir Putin again warned against military intervention in Niger Republic during a phone call with Mali military junta’s leader and Head of state, Colonel Assimi Goita.

Goita, in a tweet on Tuesday, said Putin insisted on a peaceful resolution.

“I had a telephone conversation with President Putin. We mentioned the situation in Niger. He stressed the importance of a peaceful resolution of the situation for a more stable Sahel,” he tweeted.

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