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7 Proven Strategies For Driving Traffic To Your Blog

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7 Proven Strategies For Driving Traffic To Your Blog

Starting a blog is a smart move. There are many benefits to blogging, including ranking higher in search engine results and improving your online reputation. Just starting a blog and writing content isn’t enough though; you also have to know how to attract people to help you stand out online.

Without a steady stream of traffic visiting your blog, it will have difficulty improving its reputation on the internet. In fact, it’s probable that without any visitors at all, your blog posts are simply ignored. That’s why there are various effective strategies to employ for encouraging people to click through to your blog posts. Here are seven great methods that you can start using now.

Social Media.

It’s important to share your posts on all relevant social networks so they’re seen by as many people as possible, who might not have seen them otherwise. If even one of your posts goes viral, your blog traffic could take off exponentially. You can also promote a few of your posts that are popular among readers to reach even more people and gain more followers on social media.

If you don’t have time to manually share your posts, an easy solution would be to use a service like dlvrit. is an easy-to-use tool that automatically shares your posts on a predetermined schedule.


Great Headlines

The importance of coming up with an attention-catching headline cannot be stressed enough. In this content-saturated internet, most marketers agree that the headline is as important as the content. Others suggest spending most of your time coming up with the perfect article title and then writing the content around it.

If you want people to click on your posts, you need to use catchy headlines. Copyblogger has found that out of every 20 people who see your headlines, only one will follow through with reading it.

To create an eye-catching headline, you need to have a powerful and interesting idea. The first step is to figure out who your target audience is. Is your blog about food? Your readers probably care about tips on how to save time and money in the kitchen or cooking methods that are unusual. But if you’re not sure what will be popular in your field, Quora’s a great site for finding out what topics are hot on the internet right now. In addition, here are some more ideas for creating compelling headlines:

1) Create something surprising

2) Ask a question that needs an answer

3) Announce a contest

4) Tell a short story

5) Make a bold prediction or forecast

Your headline should be factual, numbers-based, and backed up by data. The use of odd numbers is a great way to create a more authentic look.

Headlines should be personalized to be more targeted towards your audience. Include words like yours, your, or refer directly to what they do (“e-commerce site owners,” “parents,” “movie enthusiasts,” etc.).

Keep your writing as simple as possible.

When writing a headline, use words that trigger emotional responses. Examples include “miracle”, “amazing”, “grateful”, “guts” or “sensational”.

It’s common for readers to find themselves on your content with no idea what it’s about. This is why you need a headline that tells the reader whether they’ll discover the answer they’re looking for—whether it’s cooking, traveling, or staying healthy.

This way, your content will be more engaging, and people will be more likely to read it in its entirety.

There are certain topics that people will always be interested in, no matter how much time has passed. For example, a blog post about top trending Christmas décor ideas from 2020 will lose relevance as soon as the season is over. Alternatively, a post about 10 useful DIY Christmas decoration ideas will remain interesting for years to come. Articles like these are examples of evergreen content, because people can always find them useful.

Evergreen content is a great way to attract new readers, especially if you want to provide helpful information to people with similar interests. Content marketing statistics show that evergreen content is more shareable when it’s long-form. In fact, blog posts of 1,500 words or more are usually more popular on social media.


Marketing is an essential part of growing your business, and one of the best ways to do that is by focusing on SEO.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a method of measuring how well your website or webpage ranks on the search engines. For example, if someone types “best desktop computers” into Google, the search engine will offer that person results that are most relevant to their query based on specific algorithms. The article or webpage with the most suitable content relative to the keywords will be at the top of the search results – and these are what SEO is all about.

If you’re thinking about SEO and your content marketing strategy, the main point to remember is that it’s all about high-quality content. When writing blog posts, use good headlines and create articles people will be interested in reading. Also, there are many tools that have made SEO simpler, though it may still require some technical know-how of the backend.

For example, some bloggers use the Yoast plugin with WordPress blogs. This helps them do SEO, while there are also many tutorials to help people understand and learn SEO better. For finding suitable keywords, there are a lot of tools out there to assist.

Stay Connected

Building a network with other bloggers and professionals in the industry is important. You can go on to different networks, like Co-Curators, to find new friends, followers, leads and more!

As a blogger, you have the opportunity to grow your readership by engaging with other bloggers and marketers in your industry. You can, for example, post comments on blog posts created by other bloggers in your field; or you could also choose to feature content from other creators on your site and conduct interviews. Featured bloggers and marketers will be eager to share the content they are featured in, and maybe even unrelated posts on your blog. This leads to increased traffic as your blog will be exposed to people who also follow these blogs.

Image is Everything

– Images are an important part of marketing, they should represent the content well and help with conversions.

– In order to optimize your success, you need to post images that align with your goals.

Images can be used to make blog posts more shareable on social media. Images with appropriate alt text usually do well in terms of SEO. Great images tend to have high resolution and are related to the topic being discussed. Infographics are also a great type of image, especially for graphic-driven sites like Pinterest or Instagram.

The internet has made finding good images for blog posts extremely easy. There are a number of websites, including Unsplash, Pixabay, and Pexels that offer free stock images. And if you’re creative in any way, you can also use your photography and editing skills to create custom images just for your blog post.

Programs like Visme and Canva are popular tools for editing images. Try Canva

Send out love letters

A large number of your blog visitors will be returning visitors. To keep these people coming back, you’ll want to give them as many reasons as possible to stay engaged with your brand. Email marketing is the perfect option for this and can be easy to set up with a tool like Substack. However, there are also a number of Substack alternatives worth checking out which might suit your needs better.

Finally, your blog is the best way to keep up with your audience and build an engaged following. If you want to increase traffic to your blog, try using these tactics.

How To Start A Blog

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