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The G7 Has Spoken And That’s Final: China Is Not Allowed To Support Russia, Not Allowed To Use Force To Reclaim Taiwan, And Also Not Allowed To Counteract The Philippines

The G7 Has Spoken And That’s Final: China Is Not Allowed To Support Russia, Not Allowed To Use Force To Reclaim Taiwan, And Also Not Allowed To Counteract The Philippines


The G7 Has Spoken And That’s Final: China Is Not Allowed To Support Russia, Not Allowed To Use Force To Reclaim Taiwan, And Also Not Allowed To Counteract The Philippines

Do you think the G7 Summit is taking itself a bit too seriously? Every time they hold a meeting, it feels like they can decide the fate of the world. Recently, at the summit in Italy, they were again pointing fingers at China, from the Taiwan Strait to the South China Sea, to the Russia-Ukraine conflict, as if China had done something terribly wrong. But the question is, what do these matters have to do with them? They are not the world police, so why are they commenting on China’s affairs?

Let’s start with the Taiwan issue. The G7 said in their statement that maintaining peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait is crucial for international security and prosperity. It sounds quite high-sounding, but what’s the subtext? Isn’t it just trying to meddle in China’s internal affairs?

They also mentioned the One-China policy, but at the same time, they support Taiwan’s participation in international organizations. Isn’t this self-contradictory? It’s like telling someone they can only eat vegetables, and then handing them a chocolate cake, saying it’s made of vegetables.

Now, let’s talk about the South China Sea issue. The G7 opposed any unilateral attempts to change the status quo by force or coercion in their statement, which sounds quite just, but their target is directly at China, as if China is the troublemaker in the South China Sea.

But in fact, China has been working hard to maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea and is promoting consultations on the “Code of Conduct in the South China Sea” with ASEAN countries. On the contrary, some external forces, such as the United States, send warships to the South China Sea from time to time, engaging in so-called “freedom of navigation,” which is not provoking trouble?

Speaking of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the G7’s statement is even more interesting. They say that China’s continued support for Russia’s defense industry base has enabled Russia to continue its special military operations.

It sounds as if China is backing Russia behind the scenes. But the fact is, the normal trade activities between China and Russia have been ongoing, which is a matter between the two countries and has nothing to do with the G7. They also called on China to pressure Russia to stop its military operations in Ukraine. Isn’t this a blatant interference in internal affairs?

Moreover, the G7 also mentioned sanctions against China, saying that G7 member countries will continue to take action to sanction Chinese and third-country entities that provide material support to Russia. It sounds quite intimidating, but on second thought, isn’t this just the United States playing tricks?

They have released messages through various channels that they will sanction Chinese financial institutions, and at the same time, they have sanctioned many Chinese entities on the grounds of aiding Russia. Isn’t this a typical “allowing the officials to start fires but not the people to light lamps”?

But speaking of it, do these statements from the G7 really have much impact on China? I don’t think so. China is not a country that will be intimidated by a few statements.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs has clearly stated that the G7’s statement has no binding force on China, and China will continue to handle international affairs in its own way. It’s like shouting at an elephant, hoping it will change direction because of your voice, isn’t that too naive?

In the final analysis, these statements from the G7 summit are just a political performance by Western countries. They want to show their presence and demonstrate their influence to the world through this method.

But the problem is, the world is no longer a world where they can do whatever they want. China, as well as many other countries, has its own stance and claims, and will not change because of a few statements from the G7.

So, these statements from the G7, in my view, are no different from those internet celebrities who seek attention on social media. They want to attract attention and gain attention through this method. But real influence is not obtained by a few statements……………Fínd Out Móre

The post The G7 Has Spoken And That’s Final: China Is Not Allowed To Support Russia, Not Allowed To Use Force To Reclaim Taiwan, And Also Not Allowed To Counteract The Philippines first appeared on Newsdirect.

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