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Blow For Trump As Court Bans Him From Doing Business, Slams Heavy Fine On Him

Blow For Trump As Court Bans Him From Doing Business, Slams Heavy Fine On Him


Blow For Trump As Court Bans Him From Doing Business, Slams Heavy Fine On Him

Blow For Trump As Court Bans Him From Doing Business, Slams Heavy Fine On Him

A New York judge delivered a significant blow to Donald Trump’s business empire and financial standing on Friday, ordering him to pay $355 million over fraud allegations and imposing a three-year ban on running companies in the state.

In response to the ruling, Trump accused President Joe Biden of orchestrating the case as a political maneuver and vowed to appeal. He characterized the judgment as “weaponization against a political opponent who’s up a lot in the polls.”

Despite Trump’s assertions, Judge Arthur Engoron justified the substantial penalties, criticizing Trump and his sons for their lack of remorse. Engoron’s scathing ruling highlighted their behavior as “pathological,” particularly their alleged manipulation of asset values for financial gain.

Trump’s sons, Eric and Donald Trump Jr., were also implicated in the case and were ordered to pay over $4 million each. Don Jr. insinuated on social media that “political beliefs” influenced the outcome of the case.

The ruling also mandates the Trump Organization to appoint an independent compliance director, signaling increased oversight of the family business.

This legal setback follows a turbulent week for Trump, with appearances in both civil and criminal courts. He faces charges related to hush money payments, allegations of conspiracy to overturn the 2020 election, and accusations of mishandling classified documents.

Despite these legal challenges, Trump remains defiant, portraying the cases as attempts to undermine him politically and promising to contest them vigorously.

The post Blow For Trump As Court Bans Him From Doing Business, Slams Heavy Fine On Him first appeared on Newsdirect.

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