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Visit of Rev Dr Sam Oye, Founder and Leading Pastor, The Transforming Church to News Central

Visit of Rev Dr Sam Oye, Founder and Leading Pastor, The Transforming Church to News Central


Visit of Rev Dr Sam Oye, Founder and Leading Pastor, The Transforming Church to News Central

Rev. Doctor Sam Oye, Founder and Leading Pastor of The Transforming Church, Abuja, paid a courtesy visit to the ultra-modern, state-of-the art and newly commissioned studios of News Central Media Limited (Owners of News Central Television) located at Plot 8, WEMCO Road, Ogba, Lagos.

During this visit, Rev. Dr Sam Oye commended the News Central Team on how well the Station has grown in leaps and bounds since inception and the solidity of the infrastructure they have put in place over the years in the quest to deliver quality coverage and reportage of news, while also congratulating Mr. Kayode Akintemi on his appointment as the Managing Director/Editor-In-Chief of the organisation.

He, alongside members of his entourage that included the Resident Pastor of The Transforming Church, Lagos, Pastor. Oleka Emmanuel and ably chaperoned by Mr. Kayode Akintemi, took a tour of the facilities, inspecting ongoing works in the Live Studios and the already completed infrastructure in the Administrative Blocks and Technical Departments. While on the tour also, Rev. Doctor Oye appeared on the flagship morning show of the Station, Breakfast Central, where he talked about the state of the Nigerian Economy, Africa as a whole, its leadership quagmire, corruption and dweltparticularly on the current state of the Nigeriannation as it concerns the “medical brain-drain” being experienced. He opined that the current state of Nigeria and other African countries can be solely blamed on the lack of visionaries and ‘servant-leaders” taking over the helm of affairs in these nations. In a reaction to the call by the President for the return of some trained doctors who have relocated out of the country to “come back home”, in his words, Rev. Dr. Oye stated that “the Government needs to put an enabling environment in place for people to come back to Nigeria…”. He further buttressed his point by making comparisons to other countries, where there’s a provision of security, good and motorable roads, and delivery of quality health services, to mention a few, that have experienced a boom in their economies and standard of living of the people as a result of this enabling environment provided by their governments.

To round off the visit, he prayed fervently for the continued success of the organization and the News Central brand as a whole, and further deliberated on areas of cooperation and improvement, while also declaring that he would be looking forward to more areas of partnership and promised to be available whenever he is called upon for his views, expertise and support of the News Central brand whenever the need emerges.

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